Solusi Jalan Rusak di Parung Panjang Membutuhkan Komunikasi antara PUPR dan Pemerintah Daerah

Solusi Jalan Rusak di Parung Panjang Membutuhkan Komunikasi antara PUPR dan Pemerintah Daerah

JAKARTA, Fraksi — Mulyadi, an MP of the Gerindra Faction in the House of Representatives, hopes for intensive communication between the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and the Provincial Highways Agency regarding solutions for the revitalization of the Parung Panjang route. According to Mulyadi, the related local government is incompetent in carrying out this task. The budget is also hindered by the Regional Road Presidential Instruction (Inpres) term because it falls into the category of vital economic routes.

“The Director of the Ministry of PUPR is currently establishing communication with the Provincial Highways Agency because this road is a provincial road. However, if the Provincial Government is still uncertain and there is no realization, I request the relevant ministry to communicate with the House of Representatives Commission V in planning this, including discussing the budget because it is highly likely that this very vital road will be intervened by the state budget as its legal framework already exists,” said Mulyadi at the Parung Panjang sub-district office, Bogor Regency, on Friday (3/15/2024).

Furthermore, this politician from the Gerindra Party expressed that the visit of House of Representatives Commission V to Parung Panjang is a mission to accelerate the revitalization of the route. This is to fulfill the hopes of the people in the Parung Panjang sub-district. Especially, the current condition has caused conflicts in the use of the provincial route when mining vehicles passing through become the cause of accidents.

“This is a step in how House of Representatives Commission V and its partners come to listen to the aspirations of the people so that the state is fully present, not just dealing with problems partially, but there is no permanent solution. Therefore, we will continue to build communication with the local government regarding this solution to make it a permanent one,” he concluded.

Mulyadi also added that Commission V and relevant partners must not overlook the potential of mining outputs in that area. The material is indeed needed for development in Jakarta, Tangerang, and surrounding areas. Hence, a special route for mining vehicles is needed to avoid disrupting the public provincial routes.

“Together with the relevant partners, we must not overlook the mining potential, which turns out to be very important for the development process, especially in Jakarta, Tangerang, and surrounding areas. Therefore, a special route is needed for mining vehicles to not disrupt other road users,” he concluded.