Foundation for Indonesia’s Advancement: The Economic Foundation of President Joko Widodo [Infrastructure Development]

Foundation for Indonesia’s Advancement: The Economic Foundation of President Joko Widodo [Infrastructure Development]

By: Prabowo Subianto [excerpted from “National Transformation Strategy: Towards Golden Indonesia 2045,” pages 131-133, 4th softcover edition]

One of President Jokowi’s most visible successes is infrastructure development. I have personally experienced and enjoyed the various developments he has directly overseen from Sabang to Merauke.

In the 8 years of Jokowi’s administration, more than 320,000 km of village roads have been built. Roads are a fundamental infrastructure, extremely beneficial for the people in the villages.

This massive village development was made possible by the allocation of Village Funds sent directly by the Central Government to the Village Governments.

Perhaps the photos of village development are not widely covered in the media, but this is an example of the right and beneficial infrastructure development.

Additionally, we can now experience the connectivity of the island of Java through toll roads that alleviate congestion on national roads. We can also feel the opening of new accesses in Sumatra with the trans-Sumatra toll road. In total, more than 2,000 km of toll roads and more than 1.7 million meters of bridges have been built during President Jokowi’s era.

Furthermore, 1,502 new ports, 50 new airports, and various other key infrastructures that connect the archipelago have been constructed.


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