Quick Impact Program 4: Establishing Premier Integrated Schools in Every Regency and Renovating Schools in Need

Quick Impact Program 4: Establishing Premier Integrated Schools in Every Regency and Renovating Schools in Need

By: Prabowo Subianto [excerpted from “National Transformation Strategy: Towards Golden Indonesia 2045,” pages 164-165, 4th softcover edition]

During my high school years in England, I noticed how almost all of the British elite graduated from the same prestigious school, Eton College. This institution has produced numerous political leaders, writers, scientists, musicians, and other notable British figures.

I learned that Eton maintains high admission standards, strict discipline, and excellent facilities, with faculty often being the best graduates in their fields of study.

When I served in the Indonesian National Armed Forces, particularly in the Kopassus, I had the opportunity to conceptualize a premier school. Having a personal connection to Magelang, I envisioned creating a top-tier school there. I shared this concept with then Minister of Defense, General LB Moerdani.

Thus, SMA Taruna Nusantara in Magelang began construction in 1985 and was inaugurated in 1990. Since its inception, this high school has been under the supervision of the Ministry of Defense. When I was appointed Minister of Defense in 2019, one of my first actions was to visit SMA Taruna Nusantara.

I was informed that many of its graduates now hold significant positions in the country, becoming esteemed scientists, skilled politicians, and, of course, excellent soldiers. One notable alumnus is AHY, the son of President SBY and the current Chairman of the Democratic Party, who was part of the school’s fifth cohort.

In many countries, the role of elite schools is crucial. Every regency should have such schools to enhance the quality of primary and secondary education, improve graduate quality, and upgrade school infrastructure and facilities.

The elite schools to be established could follow the model of day schools (non-boarding) and boarding schools (like Eton and SMA TN), offering integrated education from primary through to high school.

Additionally, too many schools are currently in disrepair. According to 2021 statistics from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), 54% of high schools, 26% of junior high schools, and 39% of elementary schools are in poor condition, including many with minor damage.

We cannot ignore the physical deterioration of schools, as these are the places where we educate future generations. The government needs to carry out intensive repairs for schools currently in poor or slightly damaged conditions. We must provide quality classrooms for our children and grandchildren.

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